Friday, November 21, 2008

soy la creatura de la noche

i woke up around 9:45 this morning.  that was pretty early for me.  i'm a nocturnal sort of a person.  most music people are i think.  so why do we start church at 9:30 on a sunday morning?  would it be worthwhile to have a later service, at maybe....9:30 p.m.?  

i'd love it.  

that being said, i don't mind schlepping myself out of bed at 7:30 on sunday mornings to get to church early.  it's kind of a cost-benefit ratio thing happening.  if 8:20 is when i need to be there to help people worship God, i'll be there.  i'd be there anytime that being there would make God happy and put a smile on His face.  

i gotta take a nap....

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