Tuesday, December 2, 2008

ahoy thar! be ye exhortin' me, matey?!?

exhortation: an address or communication emphatically urging someone to do something

i used the word 'exhortation' in an earlier post.  why?  i don't really know.  i guess the problem that i may have with it is it's inherent lean towards christianese.  does that make sense?  i don't really care about people speaking in christianese jargon (or any jargon for that matter).  but, like all things, it can get kinda old and lose the meaning it started out with.  

i once changed some of the words in the hymn 'Be Thou My Vision'.  i basically tried to do away with all of the 'thee's' and 'thou's' and 'art's' and stuff.  it didn't exactly get a resounding response.  i think that people maybe though i was trying to be cute or clever or something.  

what i was trying to do is have the language of the song reflect the language that we use every day.  i don't know about you, but i hardly ever (mostly never, ever, never) refer to God as 'Thee' when i'm praying.  i say, 'God, I need You', rather than, 'God, I need Thee.'

so, sorry if i am raining on anybody's king james parade.  i've actually come to deeply appreciate the king james version of the bible recently, on one condition....

it has to be read with a pirate accent!

avast me hearties!    

Saturday, November 22, 2008

i stay up too late

i know i just harped on about waking up early and such, but it's 2:32 a.m. on a saturday night, and i ain't sleeping yet.  

i gotta go to bed.  

i hope that i get better at sleeping during normal hours of the night.  i'm always able to wake up and do what i need to do at church, but i'm pretty much useless the rest of the day.  

thankfully, i have to get to my in-laws right after church tomorrow for an early thanksgiving dinner.  yay!

after that, my wonderful wife is headed out for a night on the town with her lady friends, which means i get to hang out with my awesome babies.  i'm not sure what we're gonna do though.  the most likely scenario at this point is to watch a movie, since i'll be knackered.  

ahhh, television.  that blessed soul-sucker....

Friday, November 21, 2008

soy la creatura de la noche

i woke up around 9:45 this morning.  that was pretty early for me.  i'm a nocturnal sort of a person.  most music people are i think.  so why do we start church at 9:30 on a sunday morning?  would it be worthwhile to have a later service, at maybe....9:30 p.m.?  

i'd love it.  

that being said, i don't mind schlepping myself out of bed at 7:30 on sunday mornings to get to church early.  it's kind of a cost-benefit ratio thing happening.  if 8:20 is when i need to be there to help people worship God, i'll be there.  i'd be there anytime that being there would make God happy and put a smile on His face.  

i gotta take a nap....

Monday, November 17, 2008

teaching, progress, exhortation

other than playing and leading and such at the church, i make a meager living playing music during the week.  i play at a bar/restaurant in brighton, mi every thursday, friday and saturday.  it's called lu & carl's, they're online at www.luandcarls.net.  i also play at a place in south lyon, mi every monday night.  it's called the south lyon hotel.  (it's not a hotel though, just a bar/restaurant.  it used to be a hotel back when people had valet parking for their horses and buggies....).  

one of the most common questions people ask me when i'm out playing is where i work.  i smile, and politely explain that i play music for a living.  they're a bit skeptical until i mention how it's a great way to pay all of my bills and make my wife and kids happy.  hearing that i actually pay my bills by playing music is hilariously astonishing for most people.  

anyway, the point of this is that i play and sing a lot.  a whole lot.  not including what i do at church, i'm playing at least four nights a week, for 3-4 hours per gig.  a couple of weeks a month i've got five nights a week.  my voice gets tired.  my fingertips are pretty much permanently jacked (if i don't bite the calluses off of them every day i can't even feel the strings on my guitar....).

i've gotten to know my instrument pretty well, by default if nothing else.  if you take a person who has no intuition musically and make them play an instrument so much, they're gonna get pretty good at it.  

i've gotten together with a few people from the church to help them improve their playing.  and with every single person so far, the biggest thing stopping them from getting better is a lack of practice.  they all have different levels of talent and ability, but most of them don't have the time to invest in their instrument that they would like.  

i wish there was a way to enable people on the worship team to have more time to practice.  i'm pretty sure they would all love that too.  as a worship leader, part of what you get to experience is learning how to successfully integrate people onto the team regardless of their ability.  

this obviously has some limitations.  you can't really have a guitar player on the team if they can't even play an Em chord.  but you have to learn how to teach a person to play enough chords to play along, and encourage them to keep progressing.  we all gots to keep improving, no matter where we are.  

so, my message for most people that wanna get better playing the guitar is to....play the guitar.  even if you've only got time to run through a song or two a day, that 10 minutes is better than no minutes.  


Sunday, November 16, 2008

born to be wild

we did a steppenwolf song in church today.  mike (the worship pastor at the church) changed some of the words.  it was abso-frickin'-lutley rockin'.  i think we need more of that kind of thing  in church.  

why?  cause we can get too comfy.  and if we're comfy with God, we're screwed.  lots of smart christian people have yakked enough about not getting too comfy, so i'm not gonna add too much to the discussion.  

but if it takes some steppenwolf to remind people that Jesus has freed us, i say bring it on.


worship pastoral intern job description

consists of....i'm not entirely sure yet.  i'm sort of figuring it all out as i go along.  

i lead worship, i help people improve on their instruments and singing, and try to make sure people leave the church in a better place than they were when they arrived.



c.s. lewis said

experience: that most brutal of teachers. but you learn, my God do you learn

-c.s. lewis